App Crash Report Extension

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Using this extension you can see your app crash report and by following your crash report you can fixed your app bugs and errors.

After installing your app, when you try to open sometime, your app is crash and you don’t understand what is the reason about this crash and you try to make some changes in your app to fix this issue, but sometime you are stuck and you can’t fix it because we can’t see the exact reason of this crash.

Now you can use this extension in your project. This extension will automatic generate app crash_report.txt file in your application cashe directory.

When you see your app is crash on initialise then you can navigate to your File Manager and go to the this folder Android/data/ and inside this folder you can see crash_report.txt file. You can open this file and you can see the last crash report.

Inside this crash report, you can see some details like : Date Time , Device Info, Message, Stack Trace. If you don’t understand this crash report, then you can share this report with any developer community.

Note : This extension is detect only basic level of runtime exception in your app. may be some kind of crash report will be not detected properly. because this is not possible inside the app. To detect advanced level of app crash report you need to connect device with computer and check your device logcat in android studio.

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