Dynamic RecyclerView Extension
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Using this extension you can create your custom Dynamic RecyclerView design.
How to Use :
- Make your sample design in your project screen and export your aia or ais file.
- Upload sample design aia or ais file in your main project and connect with this extension and select aia and screen Name.
- You can create any type of design using components.
- And follow demo aia file blocks to setup in your app.
Extension Features :
- Don’t need to generate any scheme for make your dynamic list. This extension will automatically generate your schema from your aia or ais file.
- This extension can handle your images position in recyclerview on scrolling.
- This extension can handle lottie gif animation images during recyclerview on scrolling.
- You can search and filtter your list accoding your list data.
- Simple and easy blocks setup.
Using component you can design your list item and rename your component as unique id name.

After design your list item you can export your aia or ais file.

Import your aia or ais file in project assets and select your design file and screen name.

Setup your list data in global variable.

Initialize your recyclerview with vertical arrangement.

Add your list items according length of list data.

Add Items :
- Ids : setup id name according your design item name.
- types : setup the id component type like Image , Text , Source or you can setup any other types.
- values : setup your value according your id and type.
After add your list of items setup update changes blocks.

Setup your Textbox with RecyclerView for search items.

On Click items you can get item value using this blocks.

On Create Items you can change your custom text font.

Using this blocks you can update your list data.

Sample Designs :
Note: if you want to use this extension in the Android Builder, Niotron, or App Inventor platform then you need to add one more component in your project to initialize the recycler view library. this component is ListView
You can order this extension from deephost app. after confirmed your order you can reach me on whatsapp then i will send your extension. If you have any doubts then you can reach me by email or WhatsApp.